Saturday, December 22, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
What is Iridology?
IRIDOLOGY is the study of the irides of the eye, that is, the exposed nerve endings, which make up the coloured part of the eye, all of which are connected to the brain. On a parallel with Reflexology, where the practitioner can FEEL the abnormalities of the Reflex nerve endings, a trained Iridologist, can actually see a veritable Ordinance Survey map of the REFLEX NERVE ENDINGS EXPOSING genetic inheritance, congestive and irritative zones and their various inter-reactions, within the bodily systems. In the hands of those who are well versed in the Pathology of the Pathways of Disease, as well as Anatomy and Physiology, this provides a veritable microchip of information.
Iridology complements all therapeutic sciences because it provides the vital information needed in order to establish the root cause of ailments, thus revealing the appropriate treatments required. Hippocrates and Philostratus used Iridology. lridology was taught at the Medical School of Salerno and even the Chaldeans of Babylonia, in 1000 BC left records of Iride markings, with the relevant Anatomical reflexes painted onto stone slabs.
Iridology complements all therapeutic sciences because it provides the vital information needed in order to establish the root cause of ailments, thus revealing the appropriate treatments required. Hippocrates and Philostratus used Iridology. lridology was taught at the Medical School of Salerno and even the Chaldeans of Babylonia, in 1000 BC left records of Iride markings, with the relevant Anatomical reflexes painted onto stone slabs.
What Iridology can show
Summary from "Visions of Health" by
Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Donald V. Bodeen
• The Primary Nutritional Needs of the Body
• The Inherent Strength or Weakness of Organs, Glands and Tissues
• Constitutional Strength or Weakness
• Which Organs are in the Greatest Need of Repair and Rebuilding
• The Relative Amount of Toxic Settlement in the Organs, Glands and Tissues
• Where Inflammation is Located in the Body
• The Stage of Tissue Inflammation and Activity
• Underactivity, or Sluggishness, of the Bowel
• Spastic and Ballooned Conditions of the Bowel
• The Need for Acidophilus in the Bowel
• Prolapsus of the Transverse Colon
• A Nervous Condition or Inflammation of the Bowel
• High-Risk Tissue Areas in the Body that may be Progressing toward a Disease
• Pressure on the Heart
• The Circulation Level in Various Organs
• Nerve Force and Nerve Depletion
• Hyperactivity or Hypoactivity of Organs, Glands and Tissues
• The Influence of one Organ on another, or the Contribution of an Organ to a Condition Elsewhere in the body
• Lymphatic System Congestion
• Poor Assimilation of Nutrients
• Depletion of Minerals in an Organ, Gland or Tissue
• The Relative Ability of an Organ, Gland or Tissue to Hold Nutrients
• The Results of Physical or Mental Fatigue of Stress on the Body
• The Need for Rest to Build up Immunity
• Tissue Areas Contributing to suppressed or Buried Symptoms
• High or Low Sex Drive
• A Genetic Pattern of Inherent Weaknesses and their Influence on Other Organs, Glands and Tissues
• The Effect of Iatrogenic Conditions
• The Preclinical Stages of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Conditions and Many Other Diseases
• Miasms
• The Recuperative Ability and Health Level of the Body
• The Buildup of Toxic Material Before the Manifestation of a Disease
• Genetic Weaknesses Affecting the Nerves, Blood Supply and Mineralization of Bones
• The Genetic Influence on any Symptoms Present
• Healing Sings Indicating an Increase of Strength in any Organ, Gland or Tissue
• The Potential for Varicose Veins in the Legs
• Positive and Negative Nutritional Needs of the Body
• A Probable Allergy to Wheat
• Sources of Infection
• Acidity of the Body and Catarrh Development
• Suppression of Catarrh
• The Condition of Tissue in any one part of the Body, or in all the parts of the Body at one time
• The Climate and Altitude that a best for the Patient
• The Potential for Senility
• The Effects of a Polluted Environment
• Adrenal Exhaustion
• Resistance to Disease
• The Relationship or Unity of Symptoms with conditions in the Organs, Glands and Tissues
• The Difference between a Healing Crisis and a Disease Crisis
• The Accuracy of Hering's Low of Cure
• Whether a particular Program or Therapy is Working
• The Quality of Nerve Force (Nerve Energy) in the Body
• The Body's Response to a Treatment
• The Whole, or overall, Health Level of the Body
Iridology is a powerful tool. The presence of just one sign can reveal a multitude of conditions. Read Back through this list to see just how many things each sing can indicate. And while you are taking your second look at the list, note how the absence of a sign can tell a glorious story, too.
What Iridology cannot show
• Blood Pressure Levels (normal or abnormal), Blood Sugar Level and Other Specific Diagnostic Findings and Laboratory Test Results. Iridology can reveal a Lack or an Excess, whether of Substance or a Force, but not the Specific Amount.
• Which Specific Medications or Drugs an Individual is Using or Has Used in the Past. Years ago, when the Drugs prescribed by doctors were Simpler in their Chemical Structure, the Iridologist Could Make a Good Guess as to which one had settled in the tissues by observing the Iris Color (For example, Iron was Rust Colored, Sulphur was Yellow). Modern Drugs are usually compound formulas, and people today are to be taking Several Drugs).
• What Surgical Operations a Person Has Had (Scar-Tissue sings can be noticed in the Iris).
• Specifically What Foods a Person Does and Does Not Eat. Sometimes an Iridologist can get a pretty fair idea of what General Foods are person consumes.
• How Much Uric Acid is in the Body. Although an Iridologist can tell if someone has too many noxious acids in his body, he cannot tell which specific acids are involved.
• The Time and Cause of an Injury to the Body.
• Whether a Snake Bite is Poisonous and if the Snake Venom Has Entered the Bloodstream. The effects of hundreds of snake bites over a lifetime may show up in the Iris.
• The Correlation Between Tissue Inflammation Levels and Specific Diseases or Symptoms of Disease.
• Diseases by Name.
• Whether a Subject is Male or Female (The Only Clue We Have is the Mascara on the Eyelashes!).
• Whether Asbestos Settlements or Silicosis Exist in the Body. Iridology cannot tell which specific elements have settled in the tissues.
• If Hair is Falling Out and Why - It is not in itself a disease state of the body.
• The Number of Organs With Which a Person Was Born.
• The Presence of a Yeast Infection, such as Candida Albicans. However, Iridology Can Reveal Conditions Supporting Its Possible Presence in the Body.
• The Presence of Lead, Cadmium, Aluminum, or any other Metallic Elements in the tissues.
• If a Woman is on Birth Control Pills.
• If a Woman is Pregnant - Pregnancy is a normal physiological condition for women.
• Whether an Operation is Necessary - This is a medical evaluation.
• Whether a Tumor is Present and What Size it is. The Iridologist can often see the tissue alteration that is represented by a tumor.
• Whether Hemorrhage Exists in the Body or Where it is Located. Hemorrhage, in itself, is not a tissue alteration.
• The Difference Between Drug Side-Effect Symptoms and the Symptoms of Actual Diseases. Iridology cannot differentiate between symptoms.
• Whether Irregular Menstrual Periods are Caused by the Thyroid. It can point out an underactive thyroid gland and thus give a lead for further investigation.
• The Presence of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, or Bubonic Plague.
• Whether Healing Signs Indicate a Raising of the General Health Level. Healing Signs may be present in just one particular area.
• The Presence of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or another Sexually Transmitted Disease.
• Orientation Toward Homosexuality. Homosexuality is an alternate sexual orientation and does not involve abnormal tissue alteration.
• The Presence of AIDS. Iridology cannot discern a virus.
• The Presence of Gallstones or Kidney Stones. A stone is not a tissue alteration.
• Whether a Cardiac Artery is Blocked. Iridology can discern if a condition exists that would predispose a person to a blockage of this type.
• Which Specific Medications or Drugs an Individual is Using or Has Used in the Past. Years ago, when the Drugs prescribed by doctors were Simpler in their Chemical Structure, the Iridologist Could Make a Good Guess as to which one had settled in the tissues by observing the Iris Color (For example, Iron was Rust Colored, Sulphur was Yellow). Modern Drugs are usually compound formulas, and people today are to be taking Several Drugs).
• What Surgical Operations a Person Has Had (Scar-Tissue sings can be noticed in the Iris).
• Specifically What Foods a Person Does and Does Not Eat. Sometimes an Iridologist can get a pretty fair idea of what General Foods are person consumes.
• How Much Uric Acid is in the Body. Although an Iridologist can tell if someone has too many noxious acids in his body, he cannot tell which specific acids are involved.
• The Time and Cause of an Injury to the Body.
• Whether a Snake Bite is Poisonous and if the Snake Venom Has Entered the Bloodstream. The effects of hundreds of snake bites over a lifetime may show up in the Iris.
• The Correlation Between Tissue Inflammation Levels and Specific Diseases or Symptoms of Disease.
• Diseases by Name.
• Whether a Subject is Male or Female (The Only Clue We Have is the Mascara on the Eyelashes!).
• Whether Asbestos Settlements or Silicosis Exist in the Body. Iridology cannot tell which specific elements have settled in the tissues.
• If Hair is Falling Out and Why - It is not in itself a disease state of the body.
• The Number of Organs With Which a Person Was Born.
• The Presence of a Yeast Infection, such as Candida Albicans. However, Iridology Can Reveal Conditions Supporting Its Possible Presence in the Body.
• The Presence of Lead, Cadmium, Aluminum, or any other Metallic Elements in the tissues.
• If a Woman is on Birth Control Pills.
• If a Woman is Pregnant - Pregnancy is a normal physiological condition for women.
• Whether an Operation is Necessary - This is a medical evaluation.
• Whether a Tumor is Present and What Size it is. The Iridologist can often see the tissue alteration that is represented by a tumor.
• Whether Hemorrhage Exists in the Body or Where it is Located. Hemorrhage, in itself, is not a tissue alteration.
• The Difference Between Drug Side-Effect Symptoms and the Symptoms of Actual Diseases. Iridology cannot differentiate between symptoms.
• Whether Irregular Menstrual Periods are Caused by the Thyroid. It can point out an underactive thyroid gland and thus give a lead for further investigation.
• The Presence of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, or Bubonic Plague.
• Whether Healing Signs Indicate a Raising of the General Health Level. Healing Signs may be present in just one particular area.
• The Presence of Syphilis, Gonorrhea, or another Sexually Transmitted Disease.
• Orientation Toward Homosexuality. Homosexuality is an alternate sexual orientation and does not involve abnormal tissue alteration.
• The Presence of AIDS. Iridology cannot discern a virus.
• The Presence of Gallstones or Kidney Stones. A stone is not a tissue alteration.
• Whether a Cardiac Artery is Blocked. Iridology can discern if a condition exists that would predispose a person to a blockage of this type.
The history of Iridology
In the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries writings and works on Iris markings and their meanings were recorded, largely by medical practitioners. One of the earliest was Dr. Ignatz von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor. When he was 11 years old, he accidently broke the leg of an owl when it instinctively fought against being captured. The boy noticed a black mark appearing in the owl s iris as victor and captor glared at each other. As von Peczely nursed the owl back to health, and in the following years of a more voluntary relationship, be noticed the mark, which appeared upon injury, changing in form and shading.
Ignatz von Peczely qualified in medicine in 1867 at the Vienna medical College. During his internship he had ample opportunity to study the irides of patients BEFORE and AFTER surgery. He also performed innumerable autopsies and, throughout, researched, systematically, his earlier findings, correlating and extending his knowledge, before publishing his book "Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing", establishing his Iris Chart, in 1880.
Meanwhile, in the 1860’s, a Swedish boy, Nils Liljequist, was reduced from a robust young man, to a sickly boy as a result of vaccination, followed by much drugging with quinine and iodine. Between the ages of 14 and 20, he noted the changes in the colour of his formerly blue eyes, as the drug spots accumulated. In 1870 be published a paper, "Quinine and Iodine change the Colour of the iris". Changing his career pathway from that of allopathic medicine, Liljequist, became a Homoeopath, as that was the treatment, which restored him. After studying many of his patients, he published "Om Ogendiagnosen’ in 1893, which included his Iris chart. Human anatomy being what it is, we should not be surprised that both his chart, and von Peczely’s, were so similar.
Much of the American medical research stemmed from the Austrian emigre, Dr. Henry Edward Lane, who carried out most of his surgical and autopsy correlations with Iride markings, at the Kosmos sanitarium in Evanston, Illonois. His book, lridology. The Diagnosis from the Eye", was published in 1904 as The Scientific Essay for the Public and Medical Profession", and he substanciates his records with the fact that thousands were examined before lust one marking could be considered corroborated".
One of Dr. Lane’s students was Henry Lindlahr, M.D., the champion of "the healing crises". He too, became a surgeon, and amongst his vast written works, placing nature cures onto a scientific basis, in 1919, he published lridiognosis and Other Diagnostic Methods".
The well-known writings of Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., stem from his photographic and medically corroborated research. He had studied under Dr. Lindlahr and also worked for two nights a week for four years, at the International School of Professional Arts and Sciences, in San Francisco, California, with the Chiropractor, R.M. McLain, on an intensive study and investigation into using Iridology as a means of analysing patients’ problems. Jensen states, in his book "IRIDOLOGY."
The ce and Practice of the Healing Arts. Volume II’ that "Dr. McLain proved conclusively that iridology was practical and scientific by the beneficial results he achieved with patients".
Dr. J. Haskel Kritzer, recorded his lifetime of research into iris diagnosis, in his textbook "Iridodiagnosis", soon to be republished by The Holistic Health College, London. It was his work which spurred Bernard Jensen onto further research, developing a more up—to—date iris chart, along with a colleague of Dr. Kritzer, Dr. John R. Arnold, founder of the World Iridology Fellowship. Dr. Arnold insisted on the SCIENTIFIC EXACTNESS of any research before it could be considered valid. He was the main instigator in changing the term iridiagnosis’ to ‘iris analysis", which more accurately reflects that it is a means of analysing CONDITIONS WITHIN rather than specific diseases.
D..L. Fernandiz, a medical and naturopathic physician, in Barcelona, Spain, published, in 1970, a comprehensive work, "Iridodiagnosis’, clearly illustrating how valuable early diagnosis was, from the iris, before pathological states advance enough to be clinically diagnosed. He stated that "the great advantage of iridology to medical doctors is its reliability as an indicator of the early stages of disease, allowing many more lives to be saved.’
There are many more researchers who deserve acknowledgement, such as the Germans, Josef Deck, Theodor Kriege, Josef Angerer Dr. H.W. Schimmeland Dr. Rudolf Schnable, to name but a few. There is a great deal of intensive research and writings on Iridology, but we have concentrated here on the MEDICOS. For the benefit of those who have not had a chance to investigate the enormous amount of scientific research, involving millions of case histories, worldwide research, utilizing surgery, autopsy, X-ray, scanning and chemical analysis, in Russia, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, America, South America and Europe, we trust this synopsis will clarify matters on the optic-neuro reflexed information provided by over 2800 exposed nerve endings. Just as the vascular system, exposed in the posterior of the inner eye is most revealing, so are the autonomic and central nerve system exposures.
Today, Iridology is part of the curriculum in the medical schools in Moscow, the Bobigy Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris Nord, and various Egyptian and Greek medical schools. It is used worldwide by natural medicine practitioners and we have even more extensive scientific resources for the ever continuing corroboration of our findings.
Ignatz von Peczely qualified in medicine in 1867 at the Vienna medical College. During his internship he had ample opportunity to study the irides of patients BEFORE and AFTER surgery. He also performed innumerable autopsies and, throughout, researched, systematically, his earlier findings, correlating and extending his knowledge, before publishing his book "Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art of Healing", establishing his Iris Chart, in 1880.
Meanwhile, in the 1860’s, a Swedish boy, Nils Liljequist, was reduced from a robust young man, to a sickly boy as a result of vaccination, followed by much drugging with quinine and iodine. Between the ages of 14 and 20, he noted the changes in the colour of his formerly blue eyes, as the drug spots accumulated. In 1870 be published a paper, "Quinine and Iodine change the Colour of the iris". Changing his career pathway from that of allopathic medicine, Liljequist, became a Homoeopath, as that was the treatment, which restored him. After studying many of his patients, he published "Om Ogendiagnosen’ in 1893, which included his Iris chart. Human anatomy being what it is, we should not be surprised that both his chart, and von Peczely’s, were so similar.
Much of the American medical research stemmed from the Austrian emigre, Dr. Henry Edward Lane, who carried out most of his surgical and autopsy correlations with Iride markings, at the Kosmos sanitarium in Evanston, Illonois. His book, lridology. The Diagnosis from the Eye", was published in 1904 as The Scientific Essay for the Public and Medical Profession", and he substanciates his records with the fact that thousands were examined before lust one marking could be considered corroborated".
One of Dr. Lane’s students was Henry Lindlahr, M.D., the champion of "the healing crises". He too, became a surgeon, and amongst his vast written works, placing nature cures onto a scientific basis, in 1919, he published lridiognosis and Other Diagnostic Methods".
The well-known writings of Bernard Jensen, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., stem from his photographic and medically corroborated research. He had studied under Dr. Lindlahr and also worked for two nights a week for four years, at the International School of Professional Arts and Sciences, in San Francisco, California, with the Chiropractor, R.M. McLain, on an intensive study and investigation into using Iridology as a means of analysing patients’ problems. Jensen states, in his book "IRIDOLOGY."
The ce and Practice of the Healing Arts. Volume II’ that "Dr. McLain proved conclusively that iridology was practical and scientific by the beneficial results he achieved with patients".
Dr. J. Haskel Kritzer, recorded his lifetime of research into iris diagnosis, in his textbook "Iridodiagnosis", soon to be republished by The Holistic Health College, London. It was his work which spurred Bernard Jensen onto further research, developing a more up—to—date iris chart, along with a colleague of Dr. Kritzer, Dr. John R. Arnold, founder of the World Iridology Fellowship. Dr. Arnold insisted on the SCIENTIFIC EXACTNESS of any research before it could be considered valid. He was the main instigator in changing the term iridiagnosis’ to ‘iris analysis", which more accurately reflects that it is a means of analysing CONDITIONS WITHIN rather than specific diseases.
D..L. Fernandiz, a medical and naturopathic physician, in Barcelona, Spain, published, in 1970, a comprehensive work, "Iridodiagnosis’, clearly illustrating how valuable early diagnosis was, from the iris, before pathological states advance enough to be clinically diagnosed. He stated that "the great advantage of iridology to medical doctors is its reliability as an indicator of the early stages of disease, allowing many more lives to be saved.’
There are many more researchers who deserve acknowledgement, such as the Germans, Josef Deck, Theodor Kriege, Josef Angerer Dr. H.W. Schimmeland Dr. Rudolf Schnable, to name but a few. There is a great deal of intensive research and writings on Iridology, but we have concentrated here on the MEDICOS. For the benefit of those who have not had a chance to investigate the enormous amount of scientific research, involving millions of case histories, worldwide research, utilizing surgery, autopsy, X-ray, scanning and chemical analysis, in Russia, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, America, South America and Europe, we trust this synopsis will clarify matters on the optic-neuro reflexed information provided by over 2800 exposed nerve endings. Just as the vascular system, exposed in the posterior of the inner eye is most revealing, so are the autonomic and central nerve system exposures.
Today, Iridology is part of the curriculum in the medical schools in Moscow, the Bobigy Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris Nord, and various Egyptian and Greek medical schools. It is used worldwide by natural medicine practitioners and we have even more extensive scientific resources for the ever continuing corroboration of our findings.
Iridology was developed in Hungary in the 19th Century and involves the study of the Iris of the eye (the coloured sector) and the Pupil, using microscopic analysis of the surface structures to determine the health of the whole body. Genetic strengths and weaknesses, levels of inflammation and toxicity, the efficiency of the eliminative organs all build up a picture of both current health status and predispositions. An Iridologist may use a specialist camera to take pictures of a client's iris, or simply examine them with an ophthalmoscope and will not claim to diagnose an actual disease with these methods, but to identify weaknesses in the body.
Iridology is a safe, non-invasive and inexpensive method of analysis that can be integrated into both orthodox and complementary medicine. Medical research in several European countries and Russia in particular has established greater acceptance of Iridology. In Russia, a trial involving 800,000 patients found Iridology to be 85% accurate in diagnosis; in South Korea clinical trials by the government found that on average Iridology was 78.2% accurate but with an impressive 90.2% accuracy in the diagnosis of digestive system disorders. By contrast, orthodox medicine considers other diagnostic techniques as reliable if they are accurate within a range of 30 - 40%.
Iridology has much to offer medicine. It is already taught to medical students in certain European universities. In the USA, a professorship has recently been conferred on a Fellow of The Guild of Naturopathic Iridology by a leading medical teaching university. His role there is to instigate the teaching of Iridology in particular plus other forms of complementary medicine. Gradually Iridology will become an integrated diagnostic method.
The human iris and pupil - the eye- is one of the most intricate structures in nature and is one of the most visible parts. Its thousands of nerve endings are connected to the brain via the hypothalamus, giving readouts on conditions in all organs and systems of the body. The iris provides accurate information about our constitutional type, helping patients to understand their strengths and weaknesses, thereby enabling them to become more personally aware of what they can do to help themselves in both the short and long-term. As bodily tissues become inflamed or congested, the iris registers the processes, enabling the Iridologist to determine the root cause of current disorders. For example, a toxic digestive system may be responsible for seemingly unrelated problems such as migraines, skin disorders or joint problems
A few minutes focused observation of the eyes will point you in the right direction, saving a great deal of time, energy, guesswork and frustration. By establishing the root cause of disorders, an appropriately trained and qualified Iridologist can advise the most effective forms of therapy that will attain the best results for the individual - a truly wholistic approach. Members of The Guild of Naturopathic Iridology are qualified not only in Iridology but also in at least one other therapeutic science e.g. herbal medicine, homoeopathy, orthodox medicine, nutrition, naturopathy.
Iridology is a safe, non-invasive and inexpensive method of analysis that can be integrated into both orthodox and complementary medicine. Medical research in several European countries and Russia in particular has established greater acceptance of Iridology. In Russia, a trial involving 800,000 patients found Iridology to be 85% accurate in diagnosis; in South Korea clinical trials by the government found that on average Iridology was 78.2% accurate but with an impressive 90.2% accuracy in the diagnosis of digestive system disorders. By contrast, orthodox medicine considers other diagnostic techniques as reliable if they are accurate within a range of 30 - 40%.
Iridology has much to offer medicine. It is already taught to medical students in certain European universities. In the USA, a professorship has recently been conferred on a Fellow of The Guild of Naturopathic Iridology by a leading medical teaching university. His role there is to instigate the teaching of Iridology in particular plus other forms of complementary medicine. Gradually Iridology will become an integrated diagnostic method.
The human iris and pupil - the eye- is one of the most intricate structures in nature and is one of the most visible parts. Its thousands of nerve endings are connected to the brain via the hypothalamus, giving readouts on conditions in all organs and systems of the body. The iris provides accurate information about our constitutional type, helping patients to understand their strengths and weaknesses, thereby enabling them to become more personally aware of what they can do to help themselves in both the short and long-term. As bodily tissues become inflamed or congested, the iris registers the processes, enabling the Iridologist to determine the root cause of current disorders. For example, a toxic digestive system may be responsible for seemingly unrelated problems such as migraines, skin disorders or joint problems
A few minutes focused observation of the eyes will point you in the right direction, saving a great deal of time, energy, guesswork and frustration. By establishing the root cause of disorders, an appropriately trained and qualified Iridologist can advise the most effective forms of therapy that will attain the best results for the individual - a truly wholistic approach. Members of The Guild of Naturopathic Iridology are qualified not only in Iridology but also in at least one other therapeutic science e.g. herbal medicine, homoeopathy, orthodox medicine, nutrition, naturopathy.
Why is colon cleansing essential to your health?

Colon Hydrotherapy effectively removes stagnant faecal material from the colon walls, preventing the build up of toxins in the portal and lymphatic system, resulting in a reduced load on the liver. In addition, the treatment removes mucous, gas, parasites and cellular debris, and improving the peristaltic action of the colon (muscular action of the colon to push waste through) and better absorption of nutrients from food.
It is estimated that over 90% of disease can be contributed directly or indirectly to an unhealthy digestive system. One authority in America has estimated that the number of suffers of IBS is secondary only to the common cold and is the most frequent cause of time off work.
A healthy colon is the key to living a healthy life!
Colon Hydrotherapy:
The Key to Good Health and Vitality!
by Cheryl Ashby, C.C.T.
Normal Colon

Abnormal Colon

The colon (large intestine), is the end portion of the human digestive tract. The colon is approximately 5 to 5½ feet long and 2½ inches in diameter.
Its major functions are to conserve water in the body... and to eliminate waste from the body. There are "friendly" bacteria living in the healthy colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins 'K' and portions of the 'B' complex. But unfortunately...
The average American does not have a healthy colon!
I'll bet you didn't know that the average person -- one who is neither overweight, nor noticeably allergic to things -- may have 10 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their colon! But that's for someone who is at normal weight for their height and age...
If you're overweight or a highly allergic person...
You might be carrying around a lot more than that!
The typical American diet, consisting of high-fat, low-fiber, refined junk foods... including flour, meat, fat, sugar, alcohol, preservatives and toxins, is the primary reason the colon becomes so unhealthy. The toxins generated from accumulated waste matter in the colon, are responsible for many body imbalances... which can lead to very serious weight and health problems!
Furthermore, the average American diet includes less than a fraction of the fiber foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food-combining and lack of dietary fiber make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible. As a consequence...
It is very common to find people with unhealthy and weakened digestive systems!
“Virtually all weight challenges can be traced to imbalances in the
colon/digestive tract as either a primary contributor... or a secondary
problem which accentuates slowdowns in other critical body systems, like the endocrine (glandular) system and the circulatory system.”
Toxins present in the unhealthy colon can be transported into the circulatory system... And soon the body may be unable to properly metabolize food and fat, or to provide vital energy for living!
A classic sign of colon toxicity in women -- and one of their most common complaints about their figures -- is their potbelly. This condition may be very simple to correct by adopting an improved health regimen. A distended abdomen, may indicate a more serious problem and the presence of a fecal ball in the colon which gathers more and more coatings the longer it remains.
The colon depicted below is characteristic to a person who consumes mixed-cooked foods, including any average amount of meat and starches.
Do you experience any of these health problems?
Frequent Severe Headaches
Bad Breathe (Halitosis)
Foul Body Odor
Chronic Skin Problems (Acne)
Frequent Mental Confusion
Abdominal Gas & Bloating
Lower Back Pain
Sciatic pain
Low Energy & Vitality
Low Resistance to Colds
Frequent Infections
These all can be indications you need to cleanse your body's elimination system.
Colon Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to accomplish this objective!
Benefits which may be accomplished by Colon Hydrotherapy:
Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Fecal debris built up over a long period is gently removed over a series of irrigations. Once this impacted material is removed, your colon can again begin its normal elimination function. A colon hydrotherapy session may be considered a rejuvenation treatment for your body.
The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its function. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon can improve peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity, which aids efficient removal of waste material.
Over time, the natural shape of a problematic colon will become distorted, causing even more problems. The gentle water action and massage techniques of the therapist will help eliminate protruding pockets of waste and narrow, spastic constrictions. After a series of colon hydrotherapy treatments, the colon gradually begins to resume its natural shape.
Stimulation of Reflex Points
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colon hydrotherapy session stimulates these reflex points, thereby effecting the corresponding body parts... In a beneficial way similar to reflexology.
I don't have any health problems... Can colon hydrotherapy help me too?
Maybe colon hydrotherapy sounds good for some people... But not YOU!
You eat a high-fiber diet, drink lots of water, exercise and eliminate with regularity.
Yes, even healthy people can benefit from a series of colonic irrigations... Waste deposits may remain trapped in your colon for weeks, months or even years, despite following a strict health regimen!
Consider this reported case... During a colon hydrotherapy session, a 54 year-old woman in Atlanta, Georgia discovered that her body had released a residue of barium.
But she had only be given barium once in her life — when she was just 7 years old — 47 years earlier!
It had remained trapped in her colon all those years, until the colon hydrotherapy session released it...
A buildup of old, putrefied fecal waste can block proper digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination and provides an excellent breeding ground for germs and parasites . . .
Worldwide, it is estimated that 200 million people are infested by intestinal parasites.
Parasites are man's deadliest enemy... they kill more people annually than do cancers! Symptoms associated with parasite infestation can include restless sleeping, fatigue, poor assimilation and absorption of nutrients, food cravings (especially for sugars and breads), as well as an inability to feel satisfied after a large meal.
The best way to maintain a healthy colon and good digestion is to:
• Eat a natural wholesome, high-fiber, low-fat diet.
• Drink plenty of pure water daily.
• Exercise on a regular basis and try to avoid stress.
But this may not be enough... Consider the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy!
The following depicts a healthy colon and the reflex points corresponding to various body organs and health conditions.
Colon hydrotherapy has helped many people to overcome difficult health problems and is helping many more to maintain good health into the future. For these people... Colon hydrotherapy has proven to be...
The key to living a healthier, more vibrant life!
The Key to Good Health and Vitality!
by Cheryl Ashby, C.C.T.
Normal Colon

Abnormal Colon

The colon (large intestine), is the end portion of the human digestive tract. The colon is approximately 5 to 5½ feet long and 2½ inches in diameter.
Its major functions are to conserve water in the body... and to eliminate waste from the body. There are "friendly" bacteria living in the healthy colon which synthesize valuable nutrients such as vitamins 'K' and portions of the 'B' complex. But unfortunately...
The average American does not have a healthy colon!
I'll bet you didn't know that the average person -- one who is neither overweight, nor noticeably allergic to things -- may have 10 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their colon! But that's for someone who is at normal weight for their height and age...
If you're overweight or a highly allergic person...
You might be carrying around a lot more than that!
The typical American diet, consisting of high-fat, low-fiber, refined junk foods... including flour, meat, fat, sugar, alcohol, preservatives and toxins, is the primary reason the colon becomes so unhealthy. The toxins generated from accumulated waste matter in the colon, are responsible for many body imbalances... which can lead to very serious weight and health problems!
Furthermore, the average American diet includes less than a fraction of the fiber foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food-combining and lack of dietary fiber make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible. As a consequence...
It is very common to find people with unhealthy and weakened digestive systems!
“Virtually all weight challenges can be traced to imbalances in the
colon/digestive tract as either a primary contributor... or a secondary
problem which accentuates slowdowns in other critical body systems, like the endocrine (glandular) system and the circulatory system.”
Toxins present in the unhealthy colon can be transported into the circulatory system... And soon the body may be unable to properly metabolize food and fat, or to provide vital energy for living!
A classic sign of colon toxicity in women -- and one of their most common complaints about their figures -- is their potbelly. This condition may be very simple to correct by adopting an improved health regimen. A distended abdomen, may indicate a more serious problem and the presence of a fecal ball in the colon which gathers more and more coatings the longer it remains.
The colon depicted below is characteristic to a person who consumes mixed-cooked foods, including any average amount of meat and starches.
Do you experience any of these health problems?
Frequent Severe Headaches
Bad Breathe (Halitosis)
Foul Body Odor
Chronic Skin Problems (Acne)
Frequent Mental Confusion
Abdominal Gas & Bloating
Lower Back Pain
Sciatic pain
Low Energy & Vitality
Low Resistance to Colds
Frequent Infections
These all can be indications you need to cleanse your body's elimination system.
Colon Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to accomplish this objective!
Benefits which may be accomplished by Colon Hydrotherapy:
Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Fecal debris built up over a long period is gently removed over a series of irrigations. Once this impacted material is removed, your colon can again begin its normal elimination function. A colon hydrotherapy session may be considered a rejuvenation treatment for your body.
The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its function. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon can improve peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity, which aids efficient removal of waste material.
Over time, the natural shape of a problematic colon will become distorted, causing even more problems. The gentle water action and massage techniques of the therapist will help eliminate protruding pockets of waste and narrow, spastic constrictions. After a series of colon hydrotherapy treatments, the colon gradually begins to resume its natural shape.
Stimulation of Reflex Points
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colon hydrotherapy session stimulates these reflex points, thereby effecting the corresponding body parts... In a beneficial way similar to reflexology.
I don't have any health problems... Can colon hydrotherapy help me too?
Maybe colon hydrotherapy sounds good for some people... But not YOU!
You eat a high-fiber diet, drink lots of water, exercise and eliminate with regularity.
Yes, even healthy people can benefit from a series of colonic irrigations... Waste deposits may remain trapped in your colon for weeks, months or even years, despite following a strict health regimen!
Consider this reported case... During a colon hydrotherapy session, a 54 year-old woman in Atlanta, Georgia discovered that her body had released a residue of barium.
But she had only be given barium once in her life — when she was just 7 years old — 47 years earlier!
It had remained trapped in her colon all those years, until the colon hydrotherapy session released it...
A buildup of old, putrefied fecal waste can block proper digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination and provides an excellent breeding ground for germs and parasites . . .
Worldwide, it is estimated that 200 million people are infested by intestinal parasites.
Parasites are man's deadliest enemy... they kill more people annually than do cancers! Symptoms associated with parasite infestation can include restless sleeping, fatigue, poor assimilation and absorption of nutrients, food cravings (especially for sugars and breads), as well as an inability to feel satisfied after a large meal.
The best way to maintain a healthy colon and good digestion is to:
• Eat a natural wholesome, high-fiber, low-fat diet.
• Drink plenty of pure water daily.
• Exercise on a regular basis and try to avoid stress.
But this may not be enough... Consider the benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy!
The following depicts a healthy colon and the reflex points corresponding to various body organs and health conditions.
Colon hydrotherapy has helped many people to overcome difficult health problems and is helping many more to maintain good health into the future. For these people... Colon hydrotherapy has proven to be...
The key to living a healthier, more vibrant life!
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